Monday, December 04, 2006

revised proposal
Public Art Presentation/Proposal “Time is the one universal measurement in which all of humanity are in agreement.”

The main objective of the piece is to project our art onto the main body and the clock of the houses of parliament.We also aim to raise awareness of global warming in the public’s conscience, and draw a bridge between the government and the individual on a global level. By highlighting the issue artistically we will inspire a sense of personal responsibility by creating debate and thought on the issue raised. This will include instilling a sense of duty and responsibility on the part of today’s adults to insure a planet with hope for the generations to come, as did the armies of the past who preserved our freedom to make that decision possible.The project will educate children about the consequences of global warming through workshops that will encourage awareness. It will also give a voice to children who are otherwise unheard politically and whose opinions are often disregarded despite the obviousness of the catastrophic inheritance left to them, their future families, and the tomorrow of humanity.

This would be achieved by including images in the form of paintings done by the children at our rally workshop in Trafalgar square, which will be used in the final piece. These images would be projected onto the very seat of power and decision making of this country, ‘The Houses of Parliament’. The drawings would be their interpretation of what the effects of global warming would look like in their adulthood, and based on scientific predictions by recognised and respected scientists specialising in the area of global warming.
Such as Dr. Ashok Sinha of Climate Chaos and Mike Hulme of the Tyndall Centre for climate change.
By projecting the art onto Big Ben we hope to demonstrate that government parties on all sides of the political spectrum should be aware of the seriousness of the issue and be prepared to take action on behalf of the public. This will be shown by the very fact of the sight specific place of Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament being used as our canvas and by possible funding of the project, or at the very least a voice of support for the project. Also the fact that Houses of Parliament is recognised on an international level, publicity of the piece will be seen all over the world. WHO IS INVOLVED?The project will be spear headed by our group comprised of: Glenda, Stephanie, Molly, and Tara.

The government will be involved in gaining permission on the use of Houses of Parliament, possible funding and publicity.In addition we will be employing the help of projectionists in the form of a Production Company, security personnel surrounding the equipment. Further to this we will be employing other activists for the workshop at the icount.Promotion will be generated via icount, Green Peace, The Green Party, any other environmental agency prepared and able to contribute promotion towards the project. Local, National, and international press agencies, television broadcasts, magazine articles, Internet blogs etc…WHO WILL BENEFIT AND HOW?

We the artists, will gain a lot of publicity of our work, and will also profit from working in partnership with each other and organisations involved.
The piece being projected onto to Big Ben, means that the art work will be available to the general public. The children collaboratively involved in making the paintings, will be able to see their work projected in such a hugely important public arena, and will hopefully feel a real sense of achievement and pride.

The whole of humanity will benefit by awareness being raised in the minds of the government and the public. This would encourage the lowering of emissions that cause global warming and therefore have a positive relief to the current destruction being caused to the environment. This would be achieved by the acceptance of the public that they need to lessen their demand of wasteful products. The government would be feeling this tide of public opinion and bring in more restrictions within industry and campaign more effectively on an international level to put more pressure on other nations to follow suite. Also, as the public demand became apparent to industry, they in turn would naturally want to accommodate this demand by providing goods that are in the interest of the environment.

By projecting our public art piece we will be drawing attention to the issue of global warming and manifesting awareness. Also by bridging the gap between the government, the individual and the greater public at large. This would then make the focus less on who should be responsible for the issue, and who is to blame, but rather focus attention on the challenge itself. This would make for a positive foundation for tackling global warming more effectively.
The process will include gaining permission and approval from the government.The hire of a stall/workshop from the icount pressure group to be erected during a rally day at Trafalgar Square.Photographing individuals at the rally and collecting artwork from the children, as well as the permission to use these works in the Big Ben project.The hire of a projectionist company and briefing them on the lay out and plan for the instillation.Generating as much publicity as possible through newspaper interviews, news broadcasts, magazines, advertising, leaflets and publicity through environmental agencies such as icount, Green Peace, and The Green Party.Meetings between ourselves to coordinate, organise and move forward.The co-operation of the projection sites i.e. office buildings.

A temporary (three day), site-specific art instillation via projection of images on both sides of Big Ben and the houses of Parliament from adjacent buildings, or sites. The images will be of children’s paintings of, what they imagine the future will look like without action being taken to combat global warming. These would be projected onto the two broad sides of the houses of Parliament, and photographic images of everyday faces will be projected onto the two corresponding faces of the Big Ben clock faces at timed intervals in conjunction with the bell sounding. This will be an evening event as the projections would not be visible during the day light hours.
Children’s art and art equipment in the form of paper, and various mediums: paints, crayons, pens, pencils, paint brushes etc…Photographs and photographic equipmentProjection equipment and projectionistsBig Ben and the Houses of ParliamentAdjacent buildings, or sites used to project the images from. Trafalgar Square workshop stand.Leaflets, advertising and the press.A web site possibly connected to icount or even a part of their website by which means we will be able to promote, inform and advertise the piece and the contributors and sponsors.
Projection (equipment/power/projectionist/security staff) Production Company hire:. £1200 per day (including power costs) for three days, plus on day set up. So full cost for project = £4,800Salary of Big Ben Staff (if necessary?) £80 per person per day.
Total= £240Health, Safety, insurance, license fee (if necessary): Government will pay in kind?Trafalgar Square rally workshop stall: £100Children’s art materials, equipment and stall decorations: £250Publicity i.e. posters, leaflets: £500 Press conferences, interviews for radio and television: £1,000Paying ourselves, (taking in to account that four of us will be fully employed for a period of approximately six months): £80,000 grossSundries i.e. transport, phone bills, paper and office materials and other miscellaneous: £2,000

Total costs= £88890
Our main funding will come from the Arts Council, who we hope will fund 50% of the costs. We will also approach various environmental charitable associations, various political parties, any other environmental agency prepared and able to contribute, corporations and companies such as Co-op Bank, Body Shop, Fair Trade.
We hope that the Government will pay in kind, for any wages of Houses of Parliament staff involved.
All of these will all be included in the publicity and the actual piece in some instances (with company logos being included in the projection and publications). Their contributions will be repaid by their names being included either on the web site or on the actual artwork.
6 months of organisation, and 3 days for the presentation of the work. The piece will be displayed Thursday, Friday, and Saturday evening of a weekend on the run up to the elections.


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