Sunday, December 03, 2006


1.Time is a universal language that almost anybody can understand and relate to.

2.Big Ben is a national icon instantly recognised by just about anyone in Great Britain and internationally.

3.There is a political connection i.e. The Houses of Parliament, suggesting government support of the issue of raising ecological awareness and the consequences of ignoring these issues for the next generation and us. Also, the government’s own responsibility in these issues and being a part of the process of change, and a part of the solution.

4. A symbolic bridge between the political powers that be and the ordinary person, who also must bare the responsibility as well as the consequences.

5.Internationally, nationally and locally anything about Big Ben is potentially a news worthy piece thereby gaining maximum exposure to generate more awareness of the issues raised.

6.A time keeper that people of all classes, genders, etc have put their trust in for hundreds of years to tell them a thing of everyday importance to themselves individually and collectively.

7.Big Ben has been reconstructed itself after destruction and that holds great meaning to the reconstruction of attitudes, life styles and priorities that must take place in order to sustain a finite environment.

8.A national admission to the international community and recognition of this nations responsibility and commitment towards stewardship of the planet and recognition of the ecological struggle the world is now facing.

9.Time having relevance to past, present and future, and endless symbolisms and meanings.

10.The present having it’s own duration as did the past and as does the future.

11.Finite durations of historical human history’s and events.

12.A symbolic statement of a period in the history of the Earth and a heralds in sound and vision the perils we now face ecologically, economically, and morally.

Presentation for Public Art 16/11/06


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