Sunday, November 26, 2006


Aims and Objectives.


  • To raise awareness of global warming in the public and to associate this in part with the government, highlighting their need for action.
  • Education for children, in the workshops where the images are made.
Why is it of interest?
  • The subject of global warming is relevant to everyone, in this country and all over the world.
  • As the projection is made on Big Ben, which is a national landmark, famous throughout Britain and the world.
Who is to be involved?
  • In the work itself: ourselves, government (permission etc), icount (stop climate change), photographer, projectionist.
  • In promotion: icount, the press, environmental agencies who are willing to sponsor..., arts council, green party.
Who will benefit and how?
  • Mankind and the environment if the art piece has the desired effect, of bringing awareness and hopefully action.
  • The organisatios involved through publicity.
  • The people of Westminster because if the art itself on Big Ben.
How will these aims be achieved?
What is the process and how will you do it?
  • We will be running a work shop at an Icount climate change rally. Here we will be achieving several things. Firstly this is where we will be taking the potraits of people for the clock face. We will be finding people from the rally who will be passionate about the cause and willing to be used in the images. Secondly we will be running an educational workshop for children, helping to teach them a little bit about climate change and what can be done. Also we will be providing drawing material for them to create images of what they believe the world will become if climate change is ignored, these images are for the body of the building.
What is the end product? e.g temporary, permanent, environment etc.
  • The end product us a sight specific, temporary porjection onto Big Ben. We would be hoping for a press release and press coverage, we would also document the work ourselves.
Will there be contracts drawn up?
  • There will be several contracts drawn up:- with the government about use of Big Ben etc., with Icount, with any other organisations sponsoring or helping with funding, the subjects of the potraits and the children who's drawings are used and a contract betweew ourselves and arts council.

A description of the peice with visuals drawings etc.
  • Our piece consists of a porjection onto the face of Big Ben and the building itself. There will be potrait images projected onto the face of the clock for 10 seconds of each minute, changing regularly. This is to highlight the individuals place in the issue of climate change, although there is a lot for the government to achieve, it is also in the hands of the individual. Also the idea of each individuals image being used, fits with the concepts behind Icount, the individual having their say and impact.
  • When the clock is striking an hour, for the duration of the strike and the bells, we will project one of the images created by the children onto the main body of the builing. The images created by the children will show what they believe the world will become if climate change is ignored. It is projectected onto the building as the image will have to be larger than the potraits to be seen in detail, also this is the real message to be put to the people and the government.
  • projector (x2), materials for childrens drawings, photographic equipment, power.
Where will it take place.
  • On Big ben and the body of the building.
  • projection (equipment/power)
  • photographer (although could be one of us)
  • Levee for big ben
  • stall and childrens drawing equipment
  • publicity- press conference, leaflets, posters
  • paying ourselves
  • Funding? - art council, sponsors
Time scale
  • friday, saturday and sunday night- in run up to election.


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